
Mariah Carey is related to Footballer Ashley Cole

Mariah Carey has just discovered that she is related to Chelsea footballer Ashley Cole. Mimi has been tracing her family tree across America and as a result of the search, has found out she is related to Cole.

Apparently Mimi's grandparents are from the same area as Cole's family.

“It’s fascinating. My grandmother was a Cole before she married and it
turns out she comes from the same area of Alabama as his [Ashley’s] ancestors. We are still looking into it to see if we’re also related to Nat King Cole. I’m such a huge fan of his. That would be wonderful and would explain so much.”

A friend of Ashley said that “Ashley is chuffed to bits to hear that they’re related. He’s always been a big fan of Mariah and grew up listening to jazz legends like Nat King Cole.”

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