
Weight Loss Diary: The Beginning...

As a frequent reader to blogger Jasmyne Cannick's page, I was inspired by her willingness to share her dieting ups and downs. As such, I have decided to start a weight loss diary. I am hoping that I will inspire someone else to get fit and take back his or her health. As Ms. Cannick pointed out, I am not interested in being a skinny size 4 or 6. My future goal is to be a 14. If it is God's will, maybe a 12. Right now, I just want to lose 20 to 30 pounds. Once I have reached that milestone, then I will go for another 20 or 30 pounds.

I guess you are wondering why I decided to do this. Well, I have several; first and foremost, I have a beautiful two year old that needs her mommy. I do not want someone else to raise my daughter. I lost my mom two years ago due to heart disease and diabetes. My mom was only 63 years old!!

I have been overweight for most of my life. There is one period where I lost over 100 pounds --that was back in 1993 and I have been steadily gaining weight over the years. Right now, I am at a whooping 300 pounds. This is actual a little bit better than two years ago. Before I got pregnant, I was weighing in at 323 pounds. During my pregnancy, I was able to over 35 pounds. At one of my doctor's visit, I was at 282 pounds.

Just like many Americans, I am in love with fast food places. If I can get it faster than cooking, then I am getting it. Fast food consumption for me is about three times a day. In the mornings, I am rushing to get out the door with daughter in tow and not trying to be late. I know, I know, that is the wrong way to start off the day!!

Well, I am going to be posting some pics of me, so you can see my progress. If you have any tips, send me an email or comment on here. If you have something negative to say, keep it to yourself!! I will promptly delete your comment!!

2 Notes from all over:

Anonymous said...

I think this is great that you're blogging this. I think what you're doing is great. It hit home with me as I am trying to get myself together weight-wise and health-wise, too. I was even talking with a co-worker today about fasting. It is so funny I should come across this on your blog.

Just tonight, I received from a friend, the Oprah Show DVD - which shows people who were very heavy (prolly 400 or 500 lbs.) and lost lots of weight - without surgery. I've been waiting for this DVD because (i) basic interest and (ii) inspiration.

I'm going to watch it when I finish this post. If it's something you'd be interested in, perhaps I can get a copy to you.

Push on, sister. I wish you well in this endeavor.

People make it so complicated. People are overweight because of simple mathematics - taking in more calories than expending.

I've gained about 30 pounds over the last two years.

So, Ima try to set up a meal plan (note I didn't say the word diet. I don't do diets) and stick to it.

It's quite an amazing thing that you lost 100 lbs previously.

You remember that as you proceed on your journey.

You can do this. So, can I.

We just need to be disciplined.

I'd like to lose 40 lbs.

Best of luck!!!

We're gonna claim 2008 as the year when we will see to it that there will be less of us.


Cassandra said...

Hattie, thank you so much, your words mean so much to me. I have not been adding to my diary as I should as I have once again fell victim to fast food. Believe me that 2008 is our year! I would for you to be a guest blogger for my diary.