
Looking Good, Whitney!!

I believe Clive Davis can work miracles. He took a gamble on a young girl during the 80s and made her into a powerhouse. Yes, I am talking about the woman, Whitney Houston! This video is from the Swarovski Fashion Rocks Concert, held in London this past Thursday. I was hoping she was going to sing, but I guess a brief note was good enough. She looked GOOD!!

3 Notes from all over:

the prisoner's wife said...

she does look great!


has she been getting her mojo back at the Tina Turner school of stolen European Accents?

is it me or does she sound a bit different?

The All Seeing Eye said...

I'm just praying that she actually did turn the "corner" in her life.

Cassandra said...

@ the prisoner's wife - I was thinking the same thing about her accent.

@ the all seeing..- Clive Davis is probably wondering the same thing...